
26 03, 2019

Malaysia China Embassy PART 2

2019-03-26T16:42:17+08:00March 26th, 2019|Uncategorized|


22 03, 2019

Why MDF board for the back cover of our frame?

2019-03-26T12:54:35+08:00March 22nd, 2019|Uncategorized|

What is MDF? MDF stands for Medium Density Fibreboard which is a type of composite wood product that constructed by taking little wood fibers and sticking them together with resin under extreme heat and pressure. The reason that we utilizing this sort of material is MDF board is stable. It does not expand as well as [...]

22 03, 2019

Why wooden photo frame, but not plastic photo frame?

2019-03-26T12:26:54+08:00March 22nd, 2019|Uncategorized|

Wood is the conventional material used to outline photographs, painting and so forth, and has been so for a considerable length of time. Why we are choosing wood as the material for our frames? There are numerous points of interest to using wooden picture frame rather than polystyrene photo frame. Wood is a natural and renewable [...]

13 03, 2019

Amazing Elephant painting from Thailand

2019-04-01T16:06:30+08:00March 13th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Frame Sifu received a special art framing today - Framing elephant painting art from Thailand! Is it true that elephants are artists? Can they really paint pictures? Are they the only animals on Earth, apart from human beings, that can create pictorial images? You might think that they just dipped the paintbrush in the paint [...]

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